Sunday, May 17, 2020

Censorship Is Only A Temporary Setback - 1598 Words

Censorship is Only a Temporary Setback Censorship will always interfere with freedom of speech. In Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, censorship is one of the main topics depicted. Censorship including the banning of books has been an issue thoughout history. There has been violence similar to the book burnings by the firemen in the novel. In 2009, Harry Potter books as well as other novels and music records were burned by Paster Jack Brock in front of his congregation. He felt that these books were evil and went against everyone’s religious beliefs. (Applebaum) In Bradbury’s novel, Guy Montag is a fireman who cannot understand why books have to be burned. He questions what is in the books that can’t be shared with people. Guy questions his†¦show more content†¦He has everyone on a tight leash by limiting what is allowed on the radio, TV, and even in the library He controls everyone’s moves and doesn’t want anyone going against what he believes. Backer confirms that there are thi ngs going on underground in Cuba that can’t really be stopped like the type of music people listen to in Havana. What people don’t know is that it is perfectly legal to record any type of music. (par. 1) China beat out United States of America with the most Internet usage in the world but the government tries to keep their people on a tight lockdown on what people can look up on the Internet but to also keep away cyber-crimes from happening. What China doesn’t know is with all the tight lockdown people can still rebel against the government. (Liang) In the United States, many books were banned through the years starting from 1884 to 2002. The Library of Congress created a â€Å"Books that shaped America† exhibit. One of the books on the exhibit was The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain; people thought the racial slurs were condescending. The book content was crass. (Par 1) Another book in the exhibit was Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury, 1953. A California Middle School banned this book because it went against their religious beliefs. The book itself was a controversy so to have Bradbury write in his book about banning books and then to have his own book banned in school shows that we haven’t changed since the

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